CENTRAL OFFICEAJOY BHAVAN15, KOTLA MARGNEW DELHI-110002PHONE: 23235546, 23235099,23235058,23237972FAX :(9111)23235543
The students in India have been in the front ranks of those who fought for the freedom of this country. Inspired by the call of nation to rise against British imperialism and liberate the country from the colonial yoke, the students plunged headlong into the freedom struggle. In the heroic battles for independence glorious chapters were written the young blood of student martyrs. And in the furnace of this anti-colonial struggle was born the All India Students Federation at Lucknow in August 1936.
The Indian students did not see their struggle for independence in isolation from the worldwide struggle against imperialism and colonialism. Even in its formative stages the AISF was part of the entire strength was behind the mighty war of the patriotic forces, with the Soviet Union in its lead, against, the demon of fascism. After the defeat of fascism, the AISF joined other anti-fascist student and youth organisations all over the world in founding the International Union of Students and the World Federation of Democratic Youth to carry forward the struggle against imperialism, for a better life for the young people.
The actual development following the achievement of freedom belied these fond dreams of the young people. The new state power which emerged after independence was that of the bourgeois class with all its limitations. They set out to build capitalism in the country even while exhorting the students to shun politics and take to the road of constructive activities in the name of nation-building. Careerism was encouraged and a section of the students fell into this trap, forgetting the ideals for which their elders in their student days had so valiantly fought.
But this phase was not to last long. The student community as a whole began to see the evils of the capitalist system from its own experience. Growing unemployment, rising cost of living, spiraling prices, misery of the people, hunger, starvation, famine deaths-all these forced open the eyes of the students, as of other sections of the people. Struggle broke out. The students were drawn into many of these battles, because they too are part of the society and as much victims of the capitalist economy as any other section of the society. Students also waged mighty battle, strikes and other actions over other actions over their specific demand: Democratisation and reforms in education, democratic and political rights, jobs, better cultural, sports and other recreational facilities. The students have been waging incessant battles on all these issues.
Today the AISF stands in the vanguard of this movement of the progressive sections of the students. To broaden its mass base, the AISF is working ceaselessly to unite and lead the student towards their cherished goals. AISF believes that only the socialism can bring about the basic changes in the society desired by the vast majority of our students - new system of education which will prepare the students for their creative role in society, jobs for all so that the vast manpower of the country is usefully employed, democratic and political rights so that the young may contribute to the building of a SOCIALIST INDIA.
The Indian students did not see their struggle for independence in isolation from the worldwide struggle against imperialism and colonialism. Even in its formative stages the AISF was part of the entire strength was behind the mighty war of the patriotic forces, with the Soviet Union in its lead, against, the demon of fascism. After the defeat of fascism, the AISF joined other anti-fascist student and youth organisations all over the world in founding the International Union of Students and the World Federation of Democratic Youth to carry forward the struggle against imperialism, for a better life for the young people.
The actual development following the achievement of freedom belied these fond dreams of the young people. The new state power which emerged after independence was that of the bourgeois class with all its limitations. They set out to build capitalism in the country even while exhorting the students to shun politics and take to the road of constructive activities in the name of nation-building. Careerism was encouraged and a section of the students fell into this trap, forgetting the ideals for which their elders in their student days had so valiantly fought.
But this phase was not to last long. The student community as a whole began to see the evils of the capitalist system from its own experience. Growing unemployment, rising cost of living, spiraling prices, misery of the people, hunger, starvation, famine deaths-all these forced open the eyes of the students, as of other sections of the people. Struggle broke out. The students were drawn into many of these battles, because they too are part of the society and as much victims of the capitalist economy as any other section of the society. Students also waged mighty battle, strikes and other actions over other actions over their specific demand: Democratisation and reforms in education, democratic and political rights, jobs, better cultural, sports and other recreational facilities. The students have been waging incessant battles on all these issues.
Today the AISF stands in the vanguard of this movement of the progressive sections of the students. To broaden its mass base, the AISF is working ceaselessly to unite and lead the student towards their cherished goals. AISF believes that only the socialism can bring about the basic changes in the society desired by the vast majority of our students - new system of education which will prepare the students for their creative role in society, jobs for all so that the vast manpower of the country is usefully employed, democratic and political rights so that the young may contribute to the building of a SOCIALIST INDIA.
Office Address: 4/7, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi - 110002, Tel:(91 11)23254734
All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was founded in 1920 with Lala Lajpat Rai as its first president. Upto 1945 Congressmen, Socialists, Communists worked in the AITUC which was the central trade union organisation of workers of India. Subsequently the trade union movement got split on political lines and today there are numbers of All India Central Organisations, regional organisations and independent industrial federations.
The membership of the AITUC is 3.6 million. The unions affiliated to AITUC are from textile, engineering, coal, steel, road transport, electricity board and numbers of unorganised sector such as beedi, construction and head load workers, anganwadi, local bodies and handloom. Recently numbers of agriculture workers unions have affiliated themselves to AITUC.
The AITUC is opposed to Globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation which have led to joblessness of more than one million workers, increase in sickness of the industry and closure; increase in unemployment and poverty. The hope that foreign capital will flow has not been fulfilled. There are takeovers and mergers and FII is almost equal FDI.
The AITUC along with other trade unions organises workers' struggle against policies of IMF, World Bank and WTO. From this sponsoring committee of TUs. The public sector workers trade unions belonging to various affiliations have constituted the CPSTU (Central Public Sector Trade Unions) further the trade unions along with other mass organisations of peasants, agricultural workers, students, youth and women have formed the national platform of mass organisations (NPMO)
Since the introduction of new economic policy six, all India strikes have been organised
The AITUC is a founder-member of World Federation of Trade unions (WFTU), which was formed immediately after the second world war. Recently the 14th WFTU congress was held at New Delhi in India.
The AITUC has been playing a pioneering role, both in the national and international trade union movement.
The membership of the AITUC is 3.6 million. The unions affiliated to AITUC are from textile, engineering, coal, steel, road transport, electricity board and numbers of unorganised sector such as beedi, construction and head load workers, anganwadi, local bodies and handloom. Recently numbers of agriculture workers unions have affiliated themselves to AITUC.
The AITUC is opposed to Globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation which have led to joblessness of more than one million workers, increase in sickness of the industry and closure; increase in unemployment and poverty. The hope that foreign capital will flow has not been fulfilled. There are takeovers and mergers and FII is almost equal FDI.
The AITUC along with other trade unions organises workers' struggle against policies of IMF, World Bank and WTO. From this sponsoring committee of TUs. The public sector workers trade unions belonging to various affiliations have constituted the CPSTU (Central Public Sector Trade Unions) further the trade unions along with other mass organisations of peasants, agricultural workers, students, youth and women have formed the national platform of mass organisations (NPMO)
Since the introduction of new economic policy six, all India strikes have been organised
The AITUC is a founder-member of World Federation of Trade unions (WFTU), which was formed immediately after the second world war. Recently the 14th WFTU congress was held at New Delhi in India.
The AITUC has been playing a pioneering role, both in the national and international trade union movement.
Office: 24, Canning Lane, New Delhi-110001, Tel:2338 7320, Fax: 2338 6427
The All India Youth Federation founded on 3 May 1959 in Delhi in a conference which brought together leaders and activists of several youth organizations from different states, regions and cities of the country became the pioneer left-wing youth movement of post-independent India.
Inspired by India's anti-imperialist. Liberation movement, particularly the glaring chapters added to it by thousands of patriotic youth and students who laid their lives on the alter of the national freedom movement. The AIYF aims to advance the dreams and aspirations of a brighter future for our county and the people.
The national independence and the socio-political and economic system thus evolved and developed by the ruling class dampened the hopes of people and in particular the youth. The increasing misery of poverty, starvation, diseases, unemployment, illiteracy, backwardness, gross social and economic injustices, and uneven development prevails over all those gains the nation could claim.
This situation encourages a section of disgusted and disgruntled youth to play in the hands of anti national, extremist, and separatist elements at the cost of unity and integrity of the nation and people. In the name of religion, cast language, region and race vested interests try to usurp political power by negating various institutions, values and principles of democracy.
The AIYF on the face of above grave problems and challenges our nation and people are faced with firmly believe that only scientific socialism can ensure social, political and economic equality, justice, balanced and sustainable development, a peaceful, genuinely democratic and prosperous future for India and all its people.
Thus the AIYF as a an organization of progressive, democratic and secular youth with revolutionary idealism and determination shall strive to unite youth masses and their diverse talents, abilities and creativity in the radical transformation of Indian society.
The AIYF as a political and social organization of Indian youth is open to all young man and women irrespective of cast creed, colour, sex, religion, language, region, socio-economic status, political and ideological differences in the common struggle for genuine youth rights, demands and the comprehensive development of very individual and the society as a whole.
In this noble endeavor the AIYF firmly relay on the rich and healthy traditions, philosophical and intellectual ethos of India as an ever-living human civilization. Creative ideas, thoughts and deeds of Marx, Engle's , Lenin and great men and women of all ages and lands inspire us and enrich our moral strength. In the common struggle of humanity for peace, development and future against the military, political and economic might of imperialism the AIYF stands hand-in-hand with the people and youth all across the world.
Inspired by India's anti-imperialist. Liberation movement, particularly the glaring chapters added to it by thousands of patriotic youth and students who laid their lives on the alter of the national freedom movement. The AIYF aims to advance the dreams and aspirations of a brighter future for our county and the people.
The national independence and the socio-political and economic system thus evolved and developed by the ruling class dampened the hopes of people and in particular the youth. The increasing misery of poverty, starvation, diseases, unemployment, illiteracy, backwardness, gross social and economic injustices, and uneven development prevails over all those gains the nation could claim.
This situation encourages a section of disgusted and disgruntled youth to play in the hands of anti national, extremist, and separatist elements at the cost of unity and integrity of the nation and people. In the name of religion, cast language, region and race vested interests try to usurp political power by negating various institutions, values and principles of democracy.
The AIYF on the face of above grave problems and challenges our nation and people are faced with firmly believe that only scientific socialism can ensure social, political and economic equality, justice, balanced and sustainable development, a peaceful, genuinely democratic and prosperous future for India and all its people.
Thus the AIYF as a an organization of progressive, democratic and secular youth with revolutionary idealism and determination shall strive to unite youth masses and their diverse talents, abilities and creativity in the radical transformation of Indian society.
The AIYF as a political and social organization of Indian youth is open to all young man and women irrespective of cast creed, colour, sex, religion, language, region, socio-economic status, political and ideological differences in the common struggle for genuine youth rights, demands and the comprehensive development of very individual and the society as a whole.
In this noble endeavor the AIYF firmly relay on the rich and healthy traditions, philosophical and intellectual ethos of India as an ever-living human civilization. Creative ideas, thoughts and deeds of Marx, Engle's , Lenin and great men and women of all ages and lands inspire us and enrich our moral strength. In the common struggle of humanity for peace, development and future against the military, political and economic might of imperialism the AIYF stands hand-in-hand with the people and youth all across the world.
Office Address 4/7, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi - 110002
National Federation of Indian Women:- (NFIW)
National Federation of Indian Women:- (NFIW)
NFIW was founded in a conference of women held from June 4 to 7, 1954 in the city of Calcutta with participation of 830 women delegates from 18 states of India, 50 fraternal delegates observers from various state organisations. Smt Puspamoyee Bose was the founding president and Anasuya Gyanchand and Hajra Begum were elected as joint secretaries.
Mrs. Dora Russel, vice president of British National Assembly of Women was among those who addressed a big massive rally held during the conference on June 6. Mrs Dora Russel was representing women International Democratic Federation (WIDF).
This first Congress adopted in all 17 resolutions. To mention a few:- The resolution on "working women" demanded equal wage for equal work and removal of all discriminations against employments and promotions and for maternity benefit amenities for three months in all establishments and implementation of the factory act for provision of creches for all working women. The resolution on "Women seeking employment demanded exploration of further avenues of employment of women and removal of all restrictions on entering any profession. It asked for training facilities for various professions.
The congress demanded for right to peasant women for right to on land. It also demanded passing of law for granting women equal rights to property including land. Resolution on peace expressed desire of every woman for peace; disarmament and diversion of arms expenses to health services and education to people.
Rameshwari Nehru and Aruna Asaf Ali were among many prominent women who were associated with federation from its foundation years.
The organisation grew its strength among all sections of women belonging to different tribes, castes, religions and other social groupings. It also has membership among women of all economic strata, the agricultural labourers, factory and office workers, those in the field of academics, and all service sectors, women working in the home-based sector and housewives etc.
The last congress the fifteenth congress was held in Hyderabad city in Andhra Pradesh with 1,200 delegates from 21 states of India with 17 million membership.
The NFIW developed good working relation with other women organisations trade unions and NGOs issue to issue. The NFIW is part of network of National Women Organisations known as "seven sisters".
The organisation has been working for legal, social, cultural, political and economic rights of women and has many achievements to its credit. The campaign for political empowerment has been the latest facts.
Presently the organisation is busy in the campaign for Global March of women 2000 against poverty and violence.
Mrs. Dora Russel, vice president of British National Assembly of Women was among those who addressed a big massive rally held during the conference on June 6. Mrs Dora Russel was representing women International Democratic Federation (WIDF).
This first Congress adopted in all 17 resolutions. To mention a few:- The resolution on "working women" demanded equal wage for equal work and removal of all discriminations against employments and promotions and for maternity benefit amenities for three months in all establishments and implementation of the factory act for provision of creches for all working women. The resolution on "Women seeking employment demanded exploration of further avenues of employment of women and removal of all restrictions on entering any profession. It asked for training facilities for various professions.
The congress demanded for right to peasant women for right to on land. It also demanded passing of law for granting women equal rights to property including land. Resolution on peace expressed desire of every woman for peace; disarmament and diversion of arms expenses to health services and education to people.
Rameshwari Nehru and Aruna Asaf Ali were among many prominent women who were associated with federation from its foundation years.
The organisation grew its strength among all sections of women belonging to different tribes, castes, religions and other social groupings. It also has membership among women of all economic strata, the agricultural labourers, factory and office workers, those in the field of academics, and all service sectors, women working in the home-based sector and housewives etc.
The last congress the fifteenth congress was held in Hyderabad city in Andhra Pradesh with 1,200 delegates from 21 states of India with 17 million membership.
The NFIW developed good working relation with other women organisations trade unions and NGOs issue to issue. The NFIW is part of network of National Women Organisations known as "seven sisters".
The organisation has been working for legal, social, cultural, political and economic rights of women and has many achievements to its credit. The campaign for political empowerment has been the latest facts.
Presently the organisation is busy in the campaign for Global March of women 2000 against poverty and violence.
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